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La Llosa de Camatxo

Font i castell de l'Ocaive per PR-CV 53.4

2 h 45 min.
Technical difficulty
5,59 km
Total elevation gain
386 m

This is a one-way route, moderately difficult and 5.59 kilometres long, which starts from the parking lot of La Llosa de Camatxo’s cemetery. Take the PR-CV 53 path that leads to the spring known as Font de L’Ocaive. It is a shady and damp area located on the right bank of the ravine, on the northern side of the mountain range. In addition to Font de L’Ocaive, there are more springs throughout the valley, such as Tia Xima's spring. All are supplied with water by the same aquifer that is periodically recharged by the rain.

After passing a large carob tree, turn to the right towards the ravine called Barranc de L’Ocaive, where some caves can be seen as well as a signpost indicating the PR-CV 53.4 trail, which leads to Castell de L’Ocaive.

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