Hiking routes

Medium difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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Pujada al Penyó

2 h 45 min.
Technical difficulty
4,25 km
Total elevation gain
504 m

This route starts from Cooperativa El Progrés. From there, begin walking along the street known as Carrer de L'Almàssera, towards the avenue called Avinguda d'Alacant.

Then, turn slightly left and immediately turn right, passing in front of Bodegues Parcent and going forwards until the road that connects with Alcalalí. Turn left and leave Riurau Primo to one side. Proceed along the Alcalalí road to Camí del Pou, which is the second street on the right.

Walk along this street for a kilometre, passing by the well called Pou d’Assagador.

After passing through VitalParCentre, at the next fork there is the beginning of a path on the left. The path is called Camí de Les Voltes or Camí de La Pansa. This road was a way to get from Parcent to Tàrbena, passing through the legendary mountain pass called Coll de Rates (which has a restored cobbled section), that was used to transport raisins, amongst other products.

Follow this path, paying attention to the signs and directions, and always stay on the right side of the trail until reaching the Coll de Rates viewpoint. Cross the road and continue along the trail to Coll de Rates, which is located at an altitude of 640 metres and is an elevated depression that lies between El Penyó and Cresta del Carrascar. It is used to pass from the shaded side to the sunny side of El Carrascar. The name "Rates" comes from the word "raptes," which means "abductions." This is because bandits used to frequent the area and steal from travellers.

The end of the route is El Penyó, located at an altitude of 752 metres above sea level.

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