Hiking routes

Medium difficulty routes

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Volta de les Fonts

4 h 45 min.
Technical difficulty
13,75 km
Total elevation gain
445 m

The route starts at the information panel, from where it is necessary to take the street known as Costera de La Font to the right. After about 300 metres, a washing place is visible: an Arab vestige of rectangular shape supported by arched pillars. It is a public space where clothes are washed.

Cross the CV-715 road and continue along the Orba road. 300 metres further on, turn left onto the road known as Camí Cardones and continue until it is possible to turn left.

At around the second kilometre, take the road known as Camí Durmais, which continues to the right. 200 metres further on, continue along a dirt road that leads to the reservoir called Bassa dels Durmais.

Follow the trail until more or less the sixth kilometre, where the fountain and reservoir of La Rompuda are to be found. This source of water was used to irrigate the crops in the area. The name “rompuda” refers to the process of transforming the mountainous slope of El Carrascar during the second half of the 18th century, with the aim of expanding the cultivated areas.

Further on, the ravine known as Barranc de La Rompuda has to be crossed and the trail then leads to Camí del Cantalar, which should be walked along to the right, for about 600 metres, until there is a dirt trail on the left.

The next stop, which requires getting off the trail, is the Font de La Foia fountain, famous for the quality of its waters and the beauty of the surroundings. After visiting it, go back to the trail and continue with the route.

Cross the ravine and keep walking until the Font de Les Cabres and Font de Marí fountains, which are part of the first of Parcent’s systems for obtaining drinking water, linked by way of wells and underground storage tanks.

From this point, pass through the ravines called Barranc de La Font de Les Cabres, Barranc de La Foia and Barranc de L’Alberca until one of the last stops on this route: Pou d’Assagador.

Upon reaching the cooperative, turn right to finish the route.

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