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Llavador Vell de Murla

The old washing place known as Llavador Vell de Murla is located right next to the south wall of the Castle of Pop. The fountain named La Font del Poble that flows into it is located further away than usual, at a distance of about 100 metres, and therefore the water from the fountain had to be channelled under the houses in order to reach it. Today this canalisation still prevails, so if one pays close attention and follows the sound of the water, it is possible to discover some beautiful nooks and crannies between the houses.

Even so, this washing place has not always been used for doing the household laundry; in fact, when they built the new washing place called Llavador Nou, right next to La Font del Poble fountain, the old washing place was reserved for cleaning work utensils such as sacks or straw mats, so as not to soil the laundry water. (1)

(1) Vall de Pop (2021) El Llavador Vell. Va de sentits. Extracted from: https://www.vadesentits.com/el-llavador-vell

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