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Natural areas

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall de Gallinera

La Foradà

The most striking topographical element of La Vall de Gallinera is La Foradada, popularly known as La Foradà. This name refers to a perforated rock and, by extension, to the hole itself. La Foradada is a stone arch formed naturally at the peak of one of the summits (737.3 metres) on the southern slope of La Vall de Gallinera. It is located approximately in the middle of the valley, which is why it is a visual reference from many points.

Some relate the name of “Gallinera”, the origin of which is still disputed and far from clear, with a pre-Roman etymology, from Kal + Inar, in which Kal would mean rock and Inar would mean hole. In Arab times, Galinar was the name of the valley, while Foradada was called Mathqquba, which literally means perforated.

La Foradada must have been a prominent place in the past, just as it is now. Remains of a Bronze Age settlement have been discovered there, and even a Muslim watchtower from the 11th century, still operational during the second Al-Azraq revolt.

In the shade of the Serra Foradada mountain range, the vegetation is lush. Ash, terebinth and laurestine predominate, always accompanied by vigorous vines that make the forest impenetrable. The terraces that have difficult access have also been occupied by natural vegetation, which advances unstoppably due to the abandonment of crop fields. In between, carob, olive and wild cherry trees have been integrated into the wooded landscape. The Aleppo pine is also present, a result of the expansion of the last reforestation.

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