Hiking routes

High difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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La Vall d’Alcalà / La Vall d’Ebo / La Vall de Gallinera / La Vall de Laguar

PR-CV 43 Les Valls

18 h 0 min.
Technical difficulty
40,70 km
Total elevation gain
1879 m

This route starts in the village of Fleix. From the car park in the village, where there are two information panels about trails in this area, you have to head towards Benimaurell. Take the PR-CV 147 route after the washing place and the Font Grossa spring, and later on take the path on your right which leads you to the old path that goes down to the River Ebo or the Barranc de l'Infern ravine. Cross the riverbed and go towards Cases de les Jovades, from where you then get to the crossroads of trails where you meet up with the PR-CV 58 route from Pego to La Figuereta, Tormos. From here, go towards the Montnegre house (the estate called Finca Cantora) and afterwards go down again towards the Barranc de l'Infern ravine. Continue walking inside the ravine heading towards the spring known as Font de Cili, from where you once again come across a junction with the PR-CV 58 route and then have to continue straight on along the path towards La Vall d'Ebo. From La Vall d'Ebo, go along the road to Alcalà de la Jovada. Continue along a track that takes you to the intersection of Pla dels Corralets and the path to La Vall de Gallinera. Turn left, towards the viewpoint known as Mirador del Xap. Leave the path and take a paved road and continue straight on. During this part of the route, the old livestock pens called Corrals del Passet can be seen on your right, and you head towards Corrals del Paet. Continue walking towards La Foradada until you reach Benitaia. From Benitaia, head towards Benissivà. Walk through the centre of this village and head towards Benialí and, before leaving this village, cross the bridge which stretches over the Gallinera ravine. From here, head towards the antennas and then continue climbing until you reach the road which goes from L'Orxa to Villalonga, which takes you to the Bassa de la Llacuna intersection. From this point, go along a path that takes you to the Vidre corral and then up to the peak of La Safor, which is the end of the PR-CV 43 trail.


  • Forat de la Juvea.
  • Juvea d’Enmig.
  • Font d’En Gili.
  • Ebo.
  • Mirador del Xap.
  • Corrals del Passet.
  • L’atzubieta.
  • Alcalà de la Jovada.
  • La Foradà.
  • Cova d’En Moragues.
  • Antic Convent.
  • Benitaia i Benissiva.
  • Llavador i font de Benialí.
  • La Llacuna.
  • Cim de la Safor.

location_on Places of interest

transfer_within_a_station Links to other routes

info La Vall d’Alcalà

info La Vall d’Ebo

info La Vall de Gallinera

info La Vall de Laguar

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