Hiking routes

Low difficulty routes

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PR-CV 53 Variant II

1 h 16 min.
Technical difficulty
3,73 km
Total elevation gain
191 m

This route starts from the Font d'Aixa spring, which is accessed by way of the CV-748 local road that connects the villages of Gata de Gorgos and Llíber. Walk along the cement track heading east, next to the pond that fills up the underground source. Then, continue along a path that you find on your left, which seems to end at a house but continues along the side of the building and enters a pine forest. At the end, you reach a point where the wide path ends and here you have to turn left. Begin to ascend in a zigzag fashion and then continue straight on until you reach a rocky formation called Aspres that has a certain resemblance to puff pastry, with various layers one on top of the other. Follow the path that descends and pass below the Aspres rocks. Further on there is a crossroads with several paths and you have to choose the one on the left. From here you then arrive at a cemented forest track, part of variant I, and from this point you have to take the path on the left, walking upwards. Soon you get to another deviation towards the left that takes you to the ravine, amongst rocks. Continue ascending along the path until you find the ruins of a small building. Go around the ruins and descend along a path that is wider, which you have to leave almost immediately by taking a path that branches off to your left and goes in amongst some pine trees. From this point, go around some terraced fields where there are almond and olive trees until you find a path that arrives from the left. Continue straight on along the path that belongs to variant III. Shortly after, pass in front of an old house that has been restored and painted white (Casa Migjorn or Granoteta). Continue along the descending path until you reach the junction with variant I, the point where this variant ends.


  • Camí dels Pouets.
  • Els Aspres.
  • Font d’Aixa.

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