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Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Riurau d'Arnauda

El Riurau dels Català d’Arnauda, known also as El Riurau d'Arnauda, is the first large riurau to be "relocated", that is, dismantled stone by stone and rebuilt and reintegrated into a new space, the park called Parc Municipal de Montaner. In its original location it was threatened by urban development within the PGOU (general plan) of Xàbia. Faced with inevitable demolition, a member of the Català family contacted L'Associació Riuraus Vius to try to make its conservation possible.

With the support of this association and the Town Hall of Xàbia, a reintegration project was created and funds were allocated so that the building work could commence. Therefore, El Riurau d'Arnauda was dismantled, transferred and reconstructed in the aforementioned park, and the ownership rights were changed from private to public property. The project was completed in December of 2014.

El Riurau d'Arnauda is a large free-standing riurau. It has a rectangular floor plan and a gabled roof covered with a 3-metre ridge. It has two facades, with 14 arches on either side and a central row formed by 14 arches, totaling 42 arches. The orientation of the arches at the original site was east-west, but now they are north-south facing. The construction materials are typical of the area, of note being the voussoirs and pillars of the arches made with local rough stone. The rest is masonry with lime mortar. The roof is made of wooden beams, reeds and Arabic tiles.

Currently, it has become one of the emblematic buildings of Xàbia and its use has been defined as a municipal cultural space.

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