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Gata de Gorgos

Paratge de la Rana

The place called El Paratge de La Rana is one of the most emblematic areas in the town. It is an irrigation system of Muslim origin that irrigated the so-called Horta de La Rana. This system is a perfectly aligned set that includes two wells, a windmill, the fountain and the washing place of La Rana. It is also worth highlighting the tree known as L’Arbre de La Rana, planted in 1915 by Dr. Moratal, doctor and later mayor of Gata.

The roots of this tree drink from the entire irrigation system that comes down from the wells above. According to the Catàleg d’arbres monumentals i singulars de la Comunitat Valenciana (Catalogue of monumental and singular trees of the Valencian Community), this river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) is 106 years old, 37.25 metres high and 6.12 metres wide. It is of public ownership within a 27.60 square-metre protected area. On the 15th of August, 2020, it caught fire and so it is currently fenced off.

Next to the river gum tree are the remains of a washing place that already existed in Muslim times, and of which five arcades from the disappeared roof are still preserved. It is filled with water thanks to the flow from the underground canal. A ravine communicates from the other side where one can see a covered well and, next to it, a mill. At present, there are no blades or covers, the wooden mechanisms and the circular millstones are barely preserved, and the degree of preservation is quite uniform. In Gata, there are two windmills from the 19th century, used by the villagers to grind grain and obtain flour. Both are located on a hillock at the entrance to the village and can be visited and accessed by way of the path that has recently been created.

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