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La Vall de Gallinera

Llavadors de la Vall de Gallinera

The washing places of La Vall de Gallinera are distributed throughout all the urban centres that form the valley.

Llavador i font de Benirrama (Washing place and fountain of Benirrama)

Ancient municipal washing place. It has a fountain that pours water into a first elongated trough. The water then flows into the sink, which has large, long limestone slabs on either side. From here, the excess water goes to an accumulation pond that was used to irrigate the adjacent vegetable gardens. The environment with dry stone walls on the sides as well as part of the original dry stone pavement near the fountain stand out. Next to the irrigation pond, there is an underground water pipe that was used at the time to irrigate the surrounding orchards.

Llavador i font de la Concepció de Benialí (Washing place and fountain of La Concepció de Benialí)

Municipal washing place integrated inside the village. It has a fountain called Font de La Concepció that feeds the washing place. This fountain is crowned by a polychrome image of the Immaculate Conception, arranged on a moulded base on which it is possible to read, in Spanish, "Fuente la Concepción Benialí 1967. Recuerdo de Maria Cortell" (Fountain La Concepción Benialí. In memory of Maria Cortell). The big sink is located behind the fountain and is divided into two pools framed by large original carved limestone slabs.

Llavador i font de Benissivà (Washing place and fountain of Benissivà)

Ancient municipal washing place. Its surroundings are noteworthy: irrigated vegetable gardens that take advantage of the leftover water from the sink of the fountain, which is collected in an irrigation basin located between the edge of the road and the agricultural plot that protects it.

Llavador i font de Baix de La Carroja (Washing place and fountain known as Font de Baix de La Carroja)

Ancient municipal washing place with a fountain that contains a pediment with a triangular finial made of elaborate stone. The pediment displays a six-petal flower and initials followed by the year of installation, "MP 1881", which usually correspond to the initials of the artisan stonemason.

Llavador d'Alpatró (Washing place of Alpatró)

Washing place from the early part of the 20th century. Unlike the other washing places in La Vall de Gallinera, this one does not have its own fountain because the installation of the Alpatró fountain in 1928 on the street called Carrer Major met the water requirements for the village in a more practical way. This washing place is of significant dimensions, bearing in mind that Alpatró is the most populated centre in La Vall de Gallinera, and it was necessary to create a space large enough for the demographic needs it would have. The limestone slabs are the original ones.

Llavador i font de Llombai (Washing place and fountain of Llombai)

This is the municipal washing place of the village of Llombai. The washing place basin is fed by a humble fountain with three mouths. At the opposite end, there is a small opening with an upper stone threshold that acts like a cave where a pond collects water due to the natural filtration of the land.

Llavador i font de Benissili (Washing place and fountain of Benissili)

It is a very artistic fountain with two mouths, a trough made of a single monumental stone and a washing basin covered with contemporary slabs. The fountain, arranged at a higher height than the pool, is made up of a semicircular piece, carved from a single piece of limestone on which one can see the marks of the stonemason’s hammer. The stone has several elements in relief: on the one hand, in the central part, there is a representative image of a Corpus Christi monstrance with a Latin cross in the centre, a symbol directly related to the patron of the church, Sant Pasqual Bailon; on each side of this element, the date of manufacture of the fountain appears with an engraving where one can read "Año / 1906". Just below the monstrance are the two mouths of the fountain, with bronze tubes inserted into two other reliefs, each with the shape of a six-petal flower. The sink, also carved from a single piece of stone, has an ovoid section and an elliptical plan and has two bas-reliefs at the ends of the circular section where pitchers can be placed. From this sink, the water falls into the stone trough which, at the same time, ends up feeding the washing place’s pond.

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