Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

El Verger

La Fàbrica de Sabó

The soap factory known as La Fàbrica de Sabó del Verger is located in the street called Carrer de Sant Antoni. It is shaped like a rectangular industrial plant and its back, which has a similar façade, faces the street known as Carrer de Sant Lluís.

This 20th-century industrial monument lost its original function and is nowadays a cultural centre where various activities are organised and which still needs improving. It is an example of industrial architecture from the first quarter of the 20th century, a style that can be seen in other buildings of El Verger. They correspond to a period of industrial boom and an expansion of the village, which is why they are located close to each other.

The most outstanding element of the building is its façade, which combines the white of the walls with the light orange of the edges. The windows are distributed along three levels, although the interior space is diaphanous. There are various coloured panes, some missing, and many which have been boarded over.

The windows at the ends create a semicircular arch with the edge in the second height, and the ones in the centre are separated by a pilaster. The central windows in the upper part are also separated by a pilaster, and have the shape of a semicircular arch. Those on the sides, which are smaller, have the same structure but without the orange profile, and those at the ends above have the shape of a half-arch.

The façade is topped by a circular pediment with volutes.

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