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Hermitages and churches

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Església de Sant Sebastià Màrtir

The parish church of Sant Sebastià Màrtir dates back to the 16th century and was built on the ruins of a mosque. It underwent significant renovations in 1850 and during the early 20th century.

The church has a rectangular floor plan with a central nave and chapels between buttresses. The main altar, created by master Francesc Oltra, dates back to 1846. There is a collection of images, including those of the patron saint of the parish, Sant Sebastià, as well as the patron saints of Sagra, Sant Abdó and Sant Senén. In one of the arms, there is the chapel of El Santíssim Crist del Consol, presided over by an image created by the sculptors Rausell and Llorens.

The communion chapel was restored in 2003 on the occasion of the beatification of Fernando García Sendra, the rector of Sagra, whose relic is housed in this chapel. The bell tower, with its characteristic clock, is a symbol of the municipality and is visible from Carrer Major and Plaça del País Valencià. The bell tower was constructed in the 19th century and renovated in 1997.(1)

The church has a set of three bells. The smallest one was cast in 1982 at the workshops of the foundry Salvador Manclús in Grau de València. It is dedicated to the patron of the parish. The middle-sized bell was cast in 1929 at the workshops of the foundry Moisés Díez in Palencia, while the largest bell was cast in 1944 by Hermanos Roses in Silla. It is dedicated to El Crist del Consol [the Christ of Consolation].(2)

(1) Lozano, T. (2021). L'església de Sagra: Ubicació i característiques. LaMarinaAlta.com. https://lamarinaalta.com/iglesia-sagra/

(2) AA.VV, (1994-2020). Inventari general de campanes de la Comunitat Valenciana. http://campaners.com/

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