Our heritage

Underwater wealth

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell / Teulada Moraira

Cala de Llebeig

The cove known as Cala de Llebeig is located between the thermal baths of Teulada-Moraira and El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. This cove transports the visitor to another era. The old fishermen's houses that surround the cove a few metres from the shore evoke another period, in which these dwellings dug into the walls of the cove served as a refuge for those who depended on the sea for their livelihood.

This rocky and gravel beach is isolated: it can only be accessed by sea and on foot, either by the cliff route or by descending the bed of the Barranc de La Viuda, which, at its mouth, creates the cove.

If you access by the route of the cliffs from April 1 to October 15, check the parking conditions here.

transfer_within_a_station Nearby routes

info El Poble Nou de Benitatxell

info Teulada Moraira

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MACMA. Seu Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta

C/ Blasco Ibáñez, 50 baix - 03760 - Ondara

Tel. 965757237 - Email: macma@macma.org


Cultura i Patrimoni:

659 219 476 - macma@macma.org

Joventut. Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

Esports. Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:

635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org

Servei Mancomunat d’Arxius:

620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org


96 575 72 37 - secretaria@macma.org

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Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

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