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El Poble Nou de Benitatxell

Abiar - Jaciment Cova de les Bruixes

2 h 13 min.
Technical difficulty
6,75 km
Total elevation gain
158 m

This route runs through the urban centre of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and along terraced hills dotted with typical agricultural buildings, such as the “riurau” constructions used for making raisins. Vineyards predominate along this route, with the cultivation of the Muscat grape standing out.

The route can be done in a circular way from the Jaciment de la Cova de les Bruixes in the Els Molins housing estate. We leave it by the via Pista to the pous de l'Albar where, if we turn right, we will reach the Casa del Falsificador (Forger's House) by another path. We return to the wells and a little further on we will find the riurau. Continuing along the path we reach Benitatxell along the avinguda de València; if we stay on it we will find the municipal market, although to continue along our route we will have to go along the camí Xàbia passing in front of the cemetery and go along the camí de la Torreta while we enjoy the local agriculture. We continue along the path that indicates the Les Fonts housing estate without entering it and, after passing it, we continue along the path downwards until we reach a crossroads where we turn completely to the right, follow the path, and we reach the via Pista again, which will take us back to the start of the route. 


  • Pous de l’Abiar.
  • Casa del Falsificador.
  • Agricultura i vegetació autòctona.
  • Agricultura tradicional.

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