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El Poble Nou de Benitatxell

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell: Poble dins de la Ruta dels Riuraus

The riurau is the most characteristic traditional architectural construction in the village called El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and also in the entire La Marina Alta region. These constructions have been linked to agricultural activity and especially the production of muscatel raisins since the 19th century and, ultimately, have influenced later styles of construction.

The construction is based on a porticoed one-storey concept, with arcades (normally semicircular arches, in many cases lowered or sparse) and covered with a pitched or gabled roof. The riurau serves to shelter the grapes placed on reeds, both from rain and general dampness, during the drying process. The arcades allow for ventilation and the building is usually oriented towards the south or west, never towards the north. The proliferation of these constructions developed with the expansion of the production, commercialisation and export of the raisins, until reaching the United Kingdom and finally the United States.

These constructions can be integrated into the main building, “la caseta” (the house), attached to the front or to one of the sides, or may stand as an independent building. In El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, the riuraus are found throughout the municipality and nowadays they are smaller, with three or four arches and, in general, integrated into the main building.

Independent riuraus were built with a greater number of arches, as in the case of El Riurau de La Torre, which until a few years ago had 10 arches. Today, such buildings with numerous arches are in a state of ruin. El Poble Nou de Benitatxell has been integrated into the route called La Ruta dels Riuraus in La Marina Alta, in order to enhance the value of these typical constructions and their cultural wealth, disseminating and promoting information about them. (1)

(1) Turisme Benitatxell. (2021), Riuraus: Arquitectura tradicional. Turisme Poble Nou de Benitatxell. Retrieved from: https://www.turismobenitatxell.es/va/que-ver/arquitectura-tradicional/17-riuraus

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