Our heritage

Castles and towers

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Torre del Portitxol

The Tower of Portitxol, also called the Cap Prim Tower, is located in the area of Xàbia. The best way to get there is through the coastal road in the direction of the Portitxol area.

This tower is located inside a private residence, which is why one cannot visit its interior. In addition, it has undergone refurbishments that have altered its original state.

The location of the tower, at a certain altitude, allows visual control of the beaches located to the north and south of the cape known as Cap de Sant Martí and of the small island near the coast, located close to the tower.

It is constructed with masonry work, has a lower part of about 6 metres in diameter and is about 11 metres high. The existence of corbels and machicolations located in the central section of the tower seems to indicate that the tower was originally lower. Perhaps, in a later period it was heightened with the same masonry technique and, recently, raised to its current height.

Documentary references to the Tower of Portitxol indicate that it was erected within the defensive plan dictated by the Duke of Maqueda in 1553, since a few years later, in 1561, the Italian engineer Antonelli il Vecchio recommended reforms in the tower. Subsequently, the report by Juan de Acuña in the year 1585 indicates that this tower defended an important geographical spot.

Finally, in the 19th century and due to the end of the pirate attacks, by the Royal Order of the Carabineros Corps of October 1st, 1849, at the request of the lieutenant captain of this corps, Joaquín Aguado purchased the tower.

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