Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Pous de Llíber

At the edge of the urban centre of Llíber, one finds a set of public wells called Els Pous de Llíber that give the name to the area where they are found, Els Pouets, and that have been documented as existing since the 16th century. They constitute an asset included in the definition of Asset of Local Relevance (Bé de Rellevància Local), according to Art. 2 of the Consell’s Decree 62/2011, of the 20th of May, which regulates the declaration procedure and the regime for the protection of assets of local relevance.

Els Pous de Llíber are linked to the town and the adjacent crop fields and collect water from several underground streams that come from the spring and go to the River Gorgos. Four of these wells are public and are located along the road. These are wells with a large mouth, finished with semi-worked stone and concrete. A grate protects each of the wells, which are very wide in diameter, with an original masonry wall and lime mortar interior.

The other three indicated wells correspond to another typology with a house closing the entrance, all of them of a similar mid-20th century chronology, made with a masonry wall and blocked with lime mortar, tiled overhangs and roofed over with plaster.

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