Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Placeta de l'Església Vella

"It is one of the most beautiful and important places in Benissa: a solitary square used primarily for cultural events. In the past, the church-fortress of Saint Pere was located there, built in the 16th century for Christian worship, but with clearly defensive functions due to the frequent pirate raids that occurred during this period along most of the Mediterranean coast.

It was a very imposing building, erected on the remains of an Arab farmhouse from the 14th century. Its original appearance can be seen in the image painted on the tiles of one of the walls of the square. There is also a replica of the large entrance door to the church.

In 1929, with the opening of the new parish temple dedicated to La Puríssima Xiqueta, this old church gradually fell into disuse and, over time, suffered serious deterioration, so much so that at the beginning of the 1940s it was decided to demolish it.

​​At one end of the square a white marble monolith can be seen, which commemorates the celebration of the village's millennium that took place in 1987." (1)

(1) Benissa. Placeta de l’Església Vella. Taken from https://va.benissa.net/ver/1235/placeta-de-lesglesia-vella.html

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