Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Parròquia del Naixement del Senyor

The parish church of El Naixement del Senyor [the Nativity of the Lord] was probably built on the site of the old mosque, but its current appearance is the result of interventions carried out in the 19th and 20th centuries: reforms, restorations and expansions, including the construction of the bell tower, which has a square base and a quadrangular shape that combines limestone blocks at the corners with the rough yellowish stone of the top section.

It has a construction style very similar to the one presented in the project for the Isbert reservoir dam of 1876, drafted by Mr. Toribio Iscar Sáez, who was probably also the author of the project for this tower.

The strategic location of the town made it one of the focal points in the Millini War, in which a Moorish miller became the king of the rebellious uprising of the Moors in Laguar.

In 1917, the church underwent significant restoration and expansion works. It was decorated by the painter Carlos Ruano Llopis from Orba, and the highlight of his artwork here is the centrepiece of the main altar: the painting La profecia d'Abraham [The Prophecy of Abraham]. After a gradual depopulation in the second half of the last century, Orba experienced a demographic recovery from the 1980s onwards. In 2006, it had just over 2,100 inhabitants, but by 2008 it had 2,566. (1)

(1) Sanchis i Sivera, J. (1922) Nomenclátor Geográfico-Eclesiástico de los pueblos de la Diócesis de Valencia. Valencia.

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