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Llíber: Poble dins de la Ruta dels Riuraus

In the town of Llíber the riuraus, traditional structures for the purpose of grape drying, form a collection of great architectural and scenic value. There are two fundamental groups of these traditional constructions. Firstly, the riuraus that are located at the foot of the mountain where Llíber stands, the location of which relates to the need to preserve the raisins that usually grow in El Pla de Llíber, and secondly, those found in the area known as Els Cairons.

The constructions were used to protect the raisins that were laid out to dry on the canes, but that of most value is the collective process that the whole town took, and continues to take part in, the so-called “Escaldà”. In 2018, it was declared a “Bé d'Interés Cultural del Patrimoni Immaterial Valencià”, or Asset of Cultural Interest of Valencian Immaterial Heritage.

The “escaldà”, or scalding, consisted of placing the muscatel in boiling water for a few seconds along with other ingredients, unique to each family. With homemade lye and a variety of herbs (wormwood, fleabane, thyme, etc.), they set fire to the scalding oven and, once the boiler started boiling, the process began. For a few seconds the grapes were put in and taken out of the water, to then be spread on the raisin canes. Once the grapes were dried, they were cut and packed in wooden boxes wrapped with silk sheets, decorated by hand, called “camisetes”, meaning shirts. The more delicate work of cutting and packing was normally carried out by the women, who sang along to liven up the work. These are known as grape-cutting songs.

This is part of the route known as Ruta dels Riuraus, on which one can find:

  • Private riuraus
  • Viewpoint of Pla de Llíber
  • Collective wells

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