Our heritage

Archaeological sites

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


La cova del Mançano

The cave called Cova del Mançano, also known as Cova del Barranc del Mançano or Abric del Tio Mançano, is a large and irregularly shaped rock shelter. It is an opening on a 20-metre-high rocky wall, located in the area of Masserof, within the municipality of Xaló. This shelter is renowned for its cave paintings.

All the cave paintings found in the shelter belong to Levantine art, except for two human figures that are characteristic of the schematic style. Levantine art prioritises the representation of naturalistic scenes with a more narrative content, while schematic art tends to exhibit greater pictorial simplicity.

One remarkable painting in this ensemble depicts a hunting scene, where human figures are shown with bows and arrows and some are depicted in a position that looks as if they are ready to shoot. Two animals are represented, with arrows piercing their back and chest respectively. The scene evokes a society where hunting was still the fundamental activity for procuring food and clothing.

This prehistoric artist employed the technique of interior lines resembling lists, which is not very common in other sites within the region. The colour used was red, obtained from earth with a high proportion of iron oxide.

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659 219 476 - macma@macma.org

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680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

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620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org


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