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Espai d'Art Contemporani Salvador Sòria

L'Espai d'Art Contemporani is where the works awarded with the painting prize that bears the name of Salvador Sòria are exhibited, Sòria being an artist who decided to reside in Benissa and maintain a close relationship with the town. The exhibition permits the visitor to contemplate the evolution of contemporary Spanish painting over a period of more than three decades. In its permanent collection there are works by both local and international artists. (1)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 1:30pm and from 5pm to 8:30pm. Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Are guided visits possible? No.

(1) Information retrieved from the webpage: https://va.benissa.net/ver/1240/cases-del-batlle--espai-dart-contemporani-salvador-soria.html

Espai d'Art Contemporani Salvador Sòria

info Benissa

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