Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall de Gallinera

Església de Sant Pasqual Bailón. Benissili

The 18th century is of great importance since most churches were built at the beginning of this century, when the crisis derived from the expulsion of the Moorish population and the adaptation period of the new settlers were a thing of the past. During the 20th century, two new parishes were created in La Vall de Gallinera: the parish of Benialí in 1961 and the parish of La Carroja in 1972.

During the Spanish Civil War, a large amount of artwork, images and altarpieces were lost. The bells also disappeared, probably melted down to make ammunition. The current ones are of recent origin.

The most common typology of churches in La Vall de Gallinera is that of a rectangular single-nave layout, with side chapels between buttresses, usually covered with a barrel vault or a ribbed vault (Benirrama, La Carroja, Alpatró and Benissili, the latter one being very small). In some cases, slightly more complex designs were created, such as that of Benissivà, which is marked by a Latin cross floor plan with two domes; or unique ornamental features appear, such as the Neo-Gothic elements of Benialí.

Church of Sant Pasqual Bailón in Benissili, La Vall de Gallinera

Since 1535 and until the present day, the parish of Sant Pasqual Bailón in Benissili has been listed as an annex of Alpatró. The interior of the church is of small dimensions.

The bell tower blends harmoniously with the surroundings, and its location at the highest part makes it a visual landmark. It rises at the foot of the church and on the right side; it is of low height, much in the style of the region.

This bell tower consists of three sections. The first section rises above the façade and is topped with a tiled balustrade. The second section is built to house the bells and has four windows, one on each side, with two pillars on each side of the windows. Finally, there is a third circular section with four additional windows, covered with tiles and a finial. The bell tower has two bells installed in the bell chamber, which were restored by Industrias Manclús before 2010.

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