Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

El Verger

Església de la Mare de Déu del Roser

The church known locally as Església de La Mare de Déu del Roser in El Verger is a neoclassical-style temple built in the 18th century.

On the exterior of the church, what can be highlighted is the bell tower, which was restored in 1997. It has four bells, with the largest one being called Grossa or Mare de Déu del Roser, weighing nearly 500 kilograms. Ringing the bells by turning them by hand is a characteristic feature, which is only heard during the festival of the patron saint. The entrance is through a neoclassical portal crowned with a niche housing a stone image of Nostra Senyora del Roser (Our Lady of the Rosary).

Inside, the church has a single nave with four side chapels. The square-shaped sanctuary, narrower than the nave, is located in the background. One of the chapels, near the apse, serves as an antechamber for the sacrarium. The space that would correspond to one of the chapels, next to the entrance, is occupied by the only bell tower.

All the heritage of the temple is from after 1936, except for the carving of Sant Esteve and a unique oval canvas of La Mare de Déu del Carme (Our Lady of Mount Carmel), restored in 2013 and installed on the upper part of the church's entrance gate.

The parish preserves, guarded by its confraternity, the first copy of the Holy Chalice of the Last Supper, which is kept in the Cathedral of Valencia.

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