Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Escoles Velles de Beniarbeig

The so-called Old Schools (Escoles Velles) were built in 1931. The construction was made possible thanks to the financial contributions of the Santonja family and, as a result, the building was private property until the heirs of Lluís Santonja transferred it to the Town Hall, with a single requirement: that it would be used exclusively for education.

The year in which the school building was constructed was framed within a political transition, with the country moving from a period of dictatorship (under Primo de Rivera) towards the Second Spanish Republic.

The school building was made up of four sections: on one side was the boys' school, on the other side the girls' school and the central part corresponded to the teachers' houses.

In 1964, new school buildings were constructed and from that moment onwards the old schools ceased to be loaned to the Town Hall and once again passed into the hands of the Santonja family.

Since then, the building has had several uses. The teachers' houses have been leased to individuals, then became clubs for the elderly, and today remain closed. The boys’ school, without this educational function, became the meeting place for the local music band, and today it still has the same function. As for the girls' school, it must be said that it has had no use for the village since being closed.

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