Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Ermita del Crist del Calvari

The Crist del Calvari Chapel, popularly known as Ermita del Nazareno, which in Xàbia is how they affectionately refer to whom this chapel is dedicated. It is located on the side of a steep slope on the road called CV-736 coming from Dénia, just before entering the town centre from the northwest.

Previously there was a much more modest chapel in the same location, built in 1770. The members of the confraternity agreed on the need to build a larger and more prestigious chapel, which was inaugurated on the 29th of April, 1856. This is the building that still exists to this day, and which was later added to the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). The chapel is currently owned by the municipality and has benefited, over the last few years, from a restoration programme that has repaired several parts of the building.

The chapel is a temple of noble dimensions. To the right of the main building there is a separate dwelling which would have been the hermit's living quarters. Previously these two buildings were joined by a wall which was removed in a recent intervention, therefore the two buildings are now separate. On the outside, the elegant, eye-catching dome of blue glazed tiles stands out, raised on an octagonal tholobate that in turn rises above a set of sloping roofs built at differing levels: higher are those of the nave and transept and lower are those of the side chapels and sacristy, forming an attractive display of varying volumes.

The front façade is very broad, whitewashed except for the corners and the door frame where the stonework is visible. The central section is slightly higher and, at the top, there is a neoclassical steeple that houses a single bell, cast in 1856 and named after Jesús Nazareno. The doorway is as simple and austere as the rest of the façade: veneered doors framed by carved stone voussoirs in a rectangular shape. Above the entrance, in the centre of the façade, there is an oculus framed by a round arch.

The interior is neoclassical, with a nave, side chapels between buttresses and a transept that equals them in depth. It has a barrel vault with transverse arches that start from pilasters. The dome rises above the pendentives, and windows have recently been opened in its drum to increase the natural lighting within the enclosure.

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