Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

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of our past and a part of our present.


Ermita de Sant Joan

The Chapel of Sant Joan is considered the most interesting among those located in the municipality of Dénia. On December 13th, 1979, it was declared a Cultural Property (BIC) in the Monument category. In the 17th century, it served as the headquarters for the Confraria de Negres, a group of African slaves who had converted to Christianity.

Its origin dating back to the late 13th century defines it as an early Gothic, humble, and small temple. However, like many chapels, it has undergone several renovations throughout history.

Thus, among other modifications, at the end of the 16th century, a Renaissance porch was added. Later, a residence for the hermit was built, and in the 18th century a bell gable was constructed.

The exterior of the chapel presents a building preceded by a Renaissance portico with a beautifully carved stone portal. This frame surrounds the entrance door with a semi-circular arch supported by square pilasters. On each side, there are rectangular openings, all of which are enclosed by a modern forged iron grille. Similarly, at the head, the hermit's residence is attached, currently serving as a sacristy. All of these structures have independent double-pitched tile roofs. The bell gable, with its bell, rises between the porch and the chapel.

A stone cross and pyramid-shaped adornments at the corners crown the pediment. The rectangular floor plan of the chapel includes a continuous bench inside, tiled flooring, and a wooden beam roof. The entrance door, with a semi-circular arch made of voussoirs, opens into the chapel.

Inside, the nave is divided into three sections by two pointed diaphragm arches. The roof follows the style of the porch and of the flooring, which is from the 17th century and alternates between baked clay tiles and white and green tiles from Manises. Several tall windows on both sides allow light to enter.

At the front, there is a small glazed niche for the image of Sant Joan Baptista [Saint John the Baptist]. (1)

(1) Seser Pérez, Rosa. «L’ermita de Sant Joan de Dénia i la confraria dels “negres”: Una confraria d’esclaus i una tradició religiosa i festiva amb 500 anys d’història». Aguaits, 2006, Núm. 23, p. 7-18, https://raco.cat/index.php/Aguaits/article/view/70763.

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