"The town of Murla, like the vast majority of towns in La Marina Alta, has suffered the difficult departures of loved ones to other countries or various places in the Valencian region, so as to seek a better life or to obtain what was necessary to provide for their families. The first half of the 20th century is marked by the great rural exodus.
The great exodus faced by the inhabitants of La Marina led them to cross the ocean to settle in the United States of America. The percentage of the population that emigrated to the other side of the Atlantic was estimated at 13.6% for Murla. They worked mainly in New York and also in Canada on the construction of new railways.
El Rajolat in Murla has been one of the silent spectators of these forced departures to other lands. On this flagstone bench, today used by the population to seek shelter from the long hours of sun during the summer months and to gather in the shade, hundreds of people waited for buses and public cars to start the journey towards new lands with the hope of a better life. For this reason, it is not surprising that this part of the town, located in front of Plaça Major, is a great symbol and meeting place for all residents of Murla.
To get all the information about the events in the municipality, one must visit this place because the posters and banners announcing any important activities or changes in the town are hung here." (1)
(1) Vall de Pop (2021) El Rajolat i l’emigració. Va de sentits. Extracted from: https://www.vadesentits.com/el-rajolat-i-l-emigracio