Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


El Portal de Sala

Located on Carrer de Sant Domènec, the so-called Portal de Sala (Sala’s Gateway) is one of the most outstanding and most photographed heritage sites in Pego. Of the three ancient gateways that gave access to the old fortified town, it is the only one still standing.

In medieval Pego, the Portal de Sala gateway was closed every night to protect the people of the town. During the day, it gave the inhabitants access to the vegetable gardens. Residents also passed through it to fetch water from where the Quatre Xorros fountain now stands. Those who came from outside had to pay a tax, de portatge, to enter the town through the gateway.

Attached to the Portal de Sala gateway stands one of the only three towers that have been preserved, out of the once sixteen that the defensive wall of Pego boasted. Built by royal order from 1291 onwards, it is a square tower made of masonry and brickwork, and was the keep of the town's castle which no longer exists.

A large part of Pego’s wall and its sixteen towers disappeared as a result of the earthquake of 1644, during the War of Succession and also due to the expansion of the town during the 19th century.

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