Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall d’Alcalà

Despoblat de la Roca

To the north of Alcalà, along the path known as Camí de La Foia de Gràcia, lies the abandoned village of La Roca, in a very damaged state.

In 1563, 10 families lived in this hamlet and, like many other hamlets in the valley, it initially belonged to the parish of La Gallinera and, from 1574, to the parish of Alcalà de La Jovada. With the Moorish expulsion in 1609, it became deserted, but from 1611 it was repopulated with Old Christians.

The visible remains belong to a single architectonic complex, formed by five adjacent units, perfectly aligned from east to west, with a shared dividing wall and the façades facing the path. The internal structure is typical of the Moorish domestic architecture, with covered constructions, variable in number, built around patios. However, they have suffered major modifications that clearly altered the original design.

The predominant construction techniques are ordinary masonry with cement or lime mortar and masonry in rows with stones placed obliquely, which are found at the base of several walls; it corresponds to the period before the expulsion (15th-16th centuries).

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