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Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Carrer del Marqués de Campo

It is one of the main streets of Dénia, the vital and neuralgic centre of the city. Nowadays, this street is filled with many shops, hospitality establishments and banks. At weekends, it is closed to vehicular traffic to guarantee that the citizens and tourists can stroll and enjoy the particular charm of the street, with plane trees on both sides.

Carrer del Marqués de Campo is one of the urban arteries that has most contributed to the configuration of the current city, especially during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. It is also the main axis of the expansion outside the initial city area because, after the demolition of the old walls, the expansion that had already been taking place outside the walled enclosure (and that evolved north and south) was incorporated into the city. One of the reasons for this is that the route of the ancient railway to Carcaixent created a barrier to the south; another reason is that the urban dynamics tended to connect the mentioned area with the sea, although this was not achieved until the beginning of the 20th century.

The so-called Teatre Principal (Main Theatre) was also located on this street. It was built in 1869 but no longer exists.

The construction of Carrer del Marqués de Campo was done in two phases: in 1880 the first arrangements and works began and, in 1890, the hotel called El Comercio was inaugurated, which consolidated the first section between the current streets known as Carrer de Carlos Sentí and Carrer de Diana. In the western part one finds the best examples of housing of the period, creating homogeneity and unity.

The opening of the second section, which led to the coast, was paralyzed due to the fact that three warehouses were blocking the way, and so it was not until 1917 that the street was connected with the sea.

In Carrer del Marqués de Campo there are various buildings that stand out as representative models of the 19th century. One is the building located at number 17, which was previously the hotel called El Comercio, the façade of which is overlaid with small tiles from Portugal with polychromy and geometrical motifs. Another example is at number 7, which shares the corner with number 11 of the street known as Carrer de Diana, and which is well-preserved despite dating from between 1873 and 1900 and having had several subsequent remodellings. (1)

(1) Dénia. Carrer Marqués de Campo. The Dénia City of Gastronomy website, from https://www.denia.net/carrer-principal

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