Our heritage

Natural areas

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Cadireta del Rei Moro

At the top of the mountain range called Serra de Segària stand the remains of the Arab terraces and the castle of the Arab prince, built, according to historians, on the remains of an ancient Iberian town. Next to it is a flat rock which, according to legend, was the seat of the Moorish king Abd-al-Màlik Al-Mudhàffar. The castle was administered by Captain Carròs, Lord of Rebollet in 1257, and it was a magnificent natural refuge created to defend Sagra, El Ràfol d'Almúnia, Benimeli and Sanet i Els Negrals. There is also a rectangular hole in the ground, about 10 centimetres deep, where the pole that held the flag was placed.

From here, one can see the valley known as La Vall de La Rectoria, Dénia, Eivissa, Oliva, Gandia and Cullera. It was a strategic point from which it was possible to warn of possible attacks on the castrum. Before reaching La Cadireta del Rei Moro, one must pass by a small cave that was used for religious ceremonies, in which remains of valuable objects have been found. Not so long ago, at the beginning of the 20th century, the entire surroundings were almond and carob tree terraces.

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