Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Ajuntament de Sagra

Originally, Sagra did not have a Chapter House or Town Hall where the members of the municipal government could meet. Meetings were usually held in private homes or in the mayor's house.

On August 30th, 1885, all the members of the local council met in the house of Mayor Pascual Mut Mengual and agreed to propose the construction of a Town Hall building. However, no reference has been found regarding the construction of this edifice.

In the Sagra Town Hall session minutes of March 12th, 1924, a donation made towards the construction of this building, owned by La Lliga Anticaciquista de Sagra, is described.

In April of the same year, some local residents and the local doctor gave substantial donations to the municipal authorities for the completion of the works, enabling at the same time premises for the schools, a dormitory for the teachers, the Town Hall, a court house, a municipal police station and a prison.

At present, the Town Hall is located in the old building from the end of the 19th century, which was the property and home of the Ballester-Pavia family, located in the square known as Plaça del País Valencià.

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