I'm the rock type


Don't trade old paths for new ones.
Popular saying


Vies d'escalada Ambolo

Centre Excursionista de Xàbia - Escola d’Escalada Ambolo 

(Excursionist Centre of Xàbia - Ambolo Climbing School)

For sustainable and safe climbing:

  • Follow the established tracks to reach the climbing wall.
  • Avoid loud noises.
  • Do not leave any rubbish in the zone. Pick it up!
  • Respect the presence of fauna or flora.
  • Be careful with bird nesting sites.
  • Try to minimise the use of climbing chalk and clean the holds after use.
  • Do not paint the routes, do not leave any equipment or materials and do not pollute the rock surface.
  • Attention! Swimming zone, do not throw stones or other objects.
  • Control your pets.
  • Camping and fires are prohibited.
  • As a climber, communicate the importance of respect and conservation of the environment.
  • Do not use the routes without experience.
  • Wear a helmet.
  • Inspect the climbing material.
  • Use sunscreen.
  • Stay hydrated.


  • The use of these routes implies that you understand the inherent risks of climbing and that you take responsibility for your actions, risks and safety while climbing. Use only officially approved CE material and a helmet which is in good condition.
  • In no case shall institutional responsibility be taken for any accidents the climber may suffer while using the facilities, which are for trained and experienced climbers, possessing not only the appropriate equipment, but also the appropriate technical training and physical fitness.
  • You personally assume all risk and all liability for any damage that may occur. If you are not willing to take on this responsibility, do not use the routes.
  • Climbing safely requires knowledge based on experience, proper learning and an understanding of your skills and limitations.
  • It is recommended that everyone registers as a federated climber or has an insurance policy which covers climbing.

1. Sector Poca Gana

1.1. Bacoreta 7m V+

1.2. T’atrancas 6m 6a

1.3. T’enbarrancas 6m IV+

2. Sector Pardillos

2.1. Golden Gate 20m V

2.2. Pardillos 20m V

2.3. Ángel 12m V

2.4. Gwen 10m V

2.5. Lucas 14m 6a

2.6. Guiriway 13m V+

3. Sector Voodoo

3.1. Fukushima 20m 6b+

3.2. Puta Misèria 22m 6a+

3.3. Tardis 21m 6b 

4. Sector Voodoo II

4.1. No Trepes Ciego 15m 6b+

4.2. Bamboya 20m 6a

4.3. Vudú 13m 7a

5. Espolón Lluvia de Mar V

5.1. Lluvia de Mar 120m V+

6. Espolón Rosa de los Vientos

6.1. Rosa de los vientos 80m V Juego de fisureros y friends del 0,75 y 1

7. Sector Iniciación

7.1. Escándalo Público 20m V

7.2. Roseta 20m V+

7.3. Chita a Ciegas 20m V

7.4. Achicharra2 25m IV+

8. Sector Quadrophenia

8.1. Quadrophenia 18m V

8.2. No Tremoles 25m 6a

8.3. Perifèria 16m V+

9. Sector Catharsis Somital

9.1 Catharsis Somital 33m IV+, V

10. Sector Nefertiti

10.1. Nefertiti 15m 6c+

10.2. Mala llet 19m 6a

10.3. Arrebatos 7m 6b+

11. Sector Barumboyes

11.1. Máximo fantasma 15m 6c

11.2. De paso picotaso 12m 6a

11.3. Mandinga mandanga 12m 6b+

11.4. Barumboyes 10m 6c+

11.5. Ofuscació 12m 7b+

11.6. Malagueña salerosa 12m 6b+

12. Sector Pedra de Canalobres

12.1. Amaramar 6m V+

12.2. Lo que esconde el paraiso 7m. V+

12.3. Gilitopos al sol 7m IV+

12.4. Mamonasos 6m IV

13. Sector Canalobres

13.1. Mar’s 24m 7a

13.2. Si se puede 23m 6b+

13.3. Samsara 20m 7a

13.4. El descobridor de l’essència 20m 7b

13.5. Nit de sal 20m 6b+

13.6. Pupila 20m 6a+

13.7. Més de mil 20m 6a+ (1)

(1) Information extracted from Xàbia’s tourism website.

info Xàbia

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659 219 476 - macma@macma.org

Joventut. Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

Esports. Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:

635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org

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620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org


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