Urban routes

Low difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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Ruta del Nucli urbà

25 min.
Technical difficulty
1,24 km
Total elevation gain
25 m

This route starts in the centre of the municipality, in front of Casa Abadía in the square called Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Here you can see the medieval tower that was built during the 14th and 15th centuries, and El Palau, which was the stately residence of the Barons of Alcalalí: the Ruiz de Lihori family.

Walk along Calle Major and head towards Calle Valent. As you go through the narrow streets, you can admire the typical village houses. At the end of Calle Valent, you can see the Civic Centre, surrounded by the park known as Parque de la Creu. From here, you can observe the Sierra del Seguili mountain range and a multitude of terraced fields dedicated to the cultivation of almond trees, orange trees and vineyards. Continue the route along Calle Sequeret and Calle Parres, going past Mosquera Public School and Aula de Cultura.

Calle Parres leads you to the square called Plazoleta Nueva, which was created in 1950 and, years later, received a monument dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of the Calvary (Patron Saint of Alcalalí). From there, take Calle Sol and go towards Calle Porche, where an old mill is located that houses the Ethnological Museum which explains the processes of making oil and wine. The route ends in Calle Ravalet, from where you can contemplate the wonderful views of the valley known as La Vall de Pop, the Coll de Rates mountain pass, the terraced fields, Carrascal de Parcent and the course of the River Xaló/Gorgos.

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