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Castell de Castells

PR-CV 49 Callosa d'en Sarrià - Bolulla - Castells de Castells

5 h 52 min.
Technical difficulty
15,40 km
Total elevation gain
544 m

This route starts in Callosa d'en Sarrià, from the high school. Continue along the paved road, descending between fields of crops to the ravine known as Barranc d'Onàer. From this point, an ascent starts and the asphalt road leads to a high point, the hill of El Margeve or Altet de la Creueta. Afterwards, at the crossroads, head in a northeasterly direction towards the spring known as Font del Salt. Continue along the cemented road until the southern part of Bolulla, crossing the village until you reach the northern side. Continue along the cemented track, in a northwesterly direction, walking between fields of crops until you reach the narrow path of the gorge known as Barranc del Negre. Enter the ravine and then exit to the right, heading along the path that goes towards the area called L'Ombria. This path takes you to a paved road called El Port de Salem. Continue to the left until you take a new ascending path which reaches a path on your left called La Mallada. Follow the indications until you get to the Castellet mountain pass, where you have to take the traditional path that starts from this very pass, on the left. This path takes you to the area called La Clapissa, turning slowly westwards, reaching a maximum point in altitude and then descending, passing through some ruins and arriving at Racó del Sant, from where you then have to take a gentle upward path that takes you to a crossroads that serves as a connection with the PR-CV 151 route. Continue in a northeasterly direction, going uphill, arriving at another crossroads where you then have to turn right and walk until you reach the CV-752 road. Turn left and continue until you find a link to the PR-CV 151 route. At this point, take a path on the right, arriving shortly thereafter at the Pla d'Aialt area. A little further on there is another crossroads, which connects the PR-CV 46 and 427 / GR 330 routes. Take the path on the left to reach the Creueta area, and at the crossroads there you have to carry on along the path in front of you. When you arrive at the CV-752 road, cross it and continue along the country track until you reach the PR-CV 19 and 149, 150 routes, and —further on— Castell de Castells.


  • Tossal d’Arbona.
  • Bolulla.
  • Font Santa.
  • Font de Rondant.
  • Corral del Somo.
  • Els Plans d’Aialt.

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