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La Vall d’Ebo

L'avenc del Pla d'Alcalà

It was first explored in January of 1962 by speleologists Fco. Pavía and J. Antonio, both from the CE Contestà, and T. Pérez and R. Pla, from the CE d'Alcoi. F. Pavía made a topographic sketch. In May of 1980, R. Pla and T. Pérez reviewed the topography. The exploration of January of 1962 was a demonstration of technical prowess and daring, possible only thanks to the great experience of the speleologists who carried it out, and which deserved the publication of an article in the press.

The chasm can be reached from Ebo or Alcalà de La Jovada, as it is very close to the road that connects the two villages. Leaving Ebo, one finds the chasm at about 3,300 metres on the road that connects it with Alcalà, between kilometres 12 and 11. On the left, among pine trees, one can see —with quite some difficulty— a house, at a distance of about 60 metres maximum, which has a cistern. Its coordinates are 4299044N 743805E. About 145 metres away, somewhat hidden away, the chasm is located on a small terrace at the bottom of a dip, between a pile of rocks. The area is made up of terraced fields of almond trees irregularly placed between rocks.

The mouth of the cavity is very narrow, although it widens as soon as one passes it, revealing an almost vertical tube of about 3 metres in diameter, which descends through a kind of channel down to 13 metres, where it widens up to 3 x 4 metres and an absolute vertical starts through a smooth-walled tube which is 35 metres long.

At the end of this vertical a small platform with an area of 4 x 2 metres opens up, where, behind a wall, a chimney opens up, continuing the chasm until it reaches 58 metres. Following a narrow hole under the indicated platform, one reaches the second platform at 54 metres, covered with rubble, with an enclosure that is framed by vertical walls. There is an opening in front of the vertical space which leads to a second enclosure that has a dangerous cone of debris, since the small dimensions of the room do not allow the stones to be retained, and one could easily fall into the chasm that opens to the left of the second room.
Continuing vertically, descend about 7 metres to a platform where two chasms open, one to the northeast, through which the chasm continues, and another to the southwest that gets narrower and ends at 78 metres in a funnel shape. The first widens to form an 11-metre vertical chasm with wide lateral dimensions up to a height of 76 metres. Between this and the 78-metre space, there is a ramped room with a low, concretised roof, with the ground covered by a cone of superficial allochthon debris that occupies the entire enclosure with a very thick layer.(1)

(1) Information taken from the website of the Town Hall of La Vall d’Ebo.

info La Vall d’Ebo

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