Our heritage

Castles and towers

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Torre d'Ambolo

The Tower of Ambolo (Torre d’Ambolo), also known as Torre del Descobridor or Torre de La Fonda, is located in Xàbia. It can be accessed by way of the road that leads to Cape de la Nau. However, this tower belongs to a private residential area, so the best way to see it clearly is from the sea.

The tower is a construction with a circular plan of about 460 centimetres in diameter, standing outdoors on a quadrangular platform. It has two heights and two lookout posts. Both the building and the platform are built with irregular masonry of local origin, arranged in horizontal rows and finished off with lime mortar and whitish-toned gravel.

The exterior access is located at a certain height. A semicircular arch that can be currently seen is the result of recent restoration. The roof, as in many towers, has a barrel vault coated with lime mortar and ceramic tiles, as well as a spiral staircase to go up to the platform where the artillery used to be located.

To find references about the existence of Torre d’Ambolo, it is advisable to look at the first ordinances of the Coast Guard, issued by the Duke of Maqueda, Bernardino de Cárdenas, in 1553; the text about the defence of the coast of the Kingdom of Valencia, written by the Italian engineer Antonelli il Vecchio in 156; and Juan de Acuña’s report of 1585.

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