Our heritage

Archaeological sites

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall de Gallinera

Pintures rupestres de Benirrama

The institute known as Centre d’Estudis Contestans discovered the rock art shelter of Benirrama in 1977 and studied it and published texts about it. The shelter is open towards the southeast, at the foot of the Almirant mountain range and a few metres from the River Gallinera. Currently, self-guided visits are available.

In Benirrama, there are two styles of rock art: the schematic and the Levantine types. Rock art has been included in UNESCO's World Heritage list since 1998. Being part of the world’s heritage entails not only the recognition of its universal relevance as an exceptional cultural expression but also the mandatory duty to preserve these sites, which are extremely fragile and vulnerable, in order to pass them on to future generations in the best possible conditions.

In 1993, this shelter suffered a serious act of looting. Two groups of figures were cut with a power saw and torn from the rock where they had been for almost 6,000 years. Another figure from the shelter was also forcibly removed using lever techniques. In total, five figures disappeared.

Currently, the shelter is prepared for visits and offers explanatory panels about the painted motifs.

To visit the shelter, leave Benirrama along the paved road, towards the valley’s main road. Cross this road and, skirting the washing place, reach the riverbed. Cross it and turn right, passing above the horse farm, through a grove of pine trees. Cross the path that goes up to La Llacuna and continue along the trail towards the east, passing by the edge of a corral, and, after a gentle stretch of the trail, always with the river on the right, one arrives at a cluster of holm oaks. Climb a small hill that leads to the path that goes up to the shelter, to the left, leaving the Vidre corral on the right.

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