Our heritage


The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Mirador del Pla de Llíber

Located between Els Plans de Xaló, the mountain known as El Collado, La Muntanyeta de Llíber and the ravine called Barranc de La Cuta, Pla de Llíber is one of the few places in La Marina Alta whose cultivation of vines has survived to this day, the vast majority having been devastated by the phylloxera crisis. In Llíber, however, despite the fact that many vines were infected by the parasite, the need and will to adapt and survive in a dry farming environment meant that the inhabitants fought to overcome the phylloxera attack and ensure the survival of various species of traditional vines. To this day, through the raisins, vines continue to be one of the economic engines and a central element in many of the town's festivities. It has not always been like this, however. El Pla de Llíber in the 17th century presented a different view to that of today. It was not the green and purple leaves of the vines that gave colour to the landscape, rather the golden brown of cereals. Wheat was the most important crop and Llíber became the barony of Xaló’s granary. It was not until the beginning of the 19th century, with the rise in raisin prices, that El Pla de Llíber’s transformation began. (1)

(1) Vall de Pop (2018) El Pla de Llíber. Vall de Pop va de sentits. https://www.vadesentits.com/pla-de-lliber

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MACMA. Seu Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta

C/ Blasco Ibáñez, 50 baix - 03760 - Ondara

Tel. 965757237 - Email: macma@macma.org


Cultura i Patrimoni:

659 219 476 - macma@macma.org

Joventut. Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

Esports. Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:

635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org

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620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org


96 575 72 37 - secretaria@macma.org

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