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Marnes i el Cau

"Cau and Masserof are two villages that historically formed a single territory under the jurisdiction of the mediaeval castle known as Castell de Bèrnia. The present-day Cau district may correspond to the ancient hamlet known as Cavuy (pronounced Càhui). Very little is known about the Mudèjar period or the period before the expulsion of the Moors.

El Lloc de Marnes was part of the Cau-Masserof area. During the expulsion of the Moors, it was already uninhabited.
The exact historical period in which Marnes began to be repopulated is not known, but according to the data available regarding the neighbouring village of Cau, it seems likely to have begun at the end of the 18th century.

This agricultural expansion, which began with the Majorcan repopulation of 1611, seems to have been fully established by the end of the 17th century. The moment of demographic change and growth facilitated the appearance of scattered settlements in the Marnes and Cau area, which reached its peak in the 18th and 19th centuries. This area specialised and concentrated its efforts in developing the agricultural and livestock industry, with special attention dedicated to wheat production.

Thus, according to Madoz's recollection, it is possible to observe a typology which is characteristic to the area, mainly in Marnes and to a lesser extent in the Cau district, which shared the objectives and infrastructures necessary for an autonomous and self-sufficient lifestyle in an isolated, poorly communicated area.” (1)
(1) Mas Martí, J. and Noguera Mengual, J. El lloc i el terme de Llíber al segle XVII, “Aguaits” magazine number 26, Institut d'Estudis Comarcals de la Marina Alta, 2008.

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