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Llavador de la Font de Baix

The facilities —the washing place, the little house, the siphons and the complementary works— were inaugurated on the 15th of May in 1878, after two years of work to create the underground piping system bringing the water from the well known as Pou Roig.

The people in charge of the fountain, who lived in the small house, had the task of charging the users the five cents it cost to take two jugs of water and between 25 and 50 cents for washing clothes. From the 1940s onwards, the distribution of water to homes began to be carried out with the use of horses and special carts, until 1963 when, due to the considerable increase in the population, tap water was provided to the households.

At the end of 1998, work began on the recovery and unearthing of the two washing troughs that had been buried in order to build the current avenue.

The design of the construction, which was done by the artists Elías Úrbez and Esteban Juárez, includes the building of a portico containing the troughs of the old washing place, as well as the rehabilitation of the small edifice where the taps were located and the creation of a garden area. (1)

(1) Ajuntament de Calp. Llavador de la Font de Baix. The website of the Town Hall of Calp: https://calpe.es/es/descubre-calpe/llavador-de-la-font

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