Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


La Llotja de Calp

The “llotja” (fish market) is the place where the sailors display the catch to the buyers who then bid for the trays that they are interested in.
It is located in the fishing port of Calp, in a rectangular building by the sea. The lower part of the market serves as a fishmonger’s, where one can buy fresh fish just brought in from the sea.

Open during the fishing season (throughout the whole year except for January, September and December) from 5pm onwards, the market also receives visits from curious people who only have to pay a euro at the entrance, which goes to fund the Fishermen's Guild.

Upon entering, one finds a two-storey building. The access is from the upper floor, from where one can observe everything that takes place on the lower floor: the exhibition of the fish, the work of the sailors and the purchases carried out by the customers by way of a system of electronic controls and screens connected to video cameras.

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With the funding of:

On trobar-nos

MACMA. Seu Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta

C/ Blasco Ibáñez, 50 baix - 03760 - Ondara

Tel. 965757237 - Email: macma@macma.org


Cultura i Patrimoni:

659 219 476 - macma@macma.org

Joventut. Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

Esports. Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:

635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org

Servei Mancomunat d’Arxius:

620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org


96 575 72 37 - secretaria@macma.org

Xarxes Socials

Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta:

Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:

Descobrim la Marina Alta:

© MACMA 2025