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L'Atzúbia Forna

Font de la Plaça

The fountain in the square of Atzúbia is, together with the bell tower of the church of Saint Vicent Ferrer, one of the most important emblematic places in the old urban area that was founded during the Muslim period. The story of this village was linked to the Moorish population until the Muslims were expelled. However, the fountain is of more recent construction, although the structure recalls and honours the styles of that time.

The fountain is located on the corner where the streets known as Carrer Pont and Carrer Principal meet, just a few metres from the Town Hall. It is not an individual monument and is attached, as a kind of protrusion, to the yellow wall of one of the houses. 

The fountain consists of two pipes that bring water from the mountains, below which there are two separate sinks supported on massive bases.

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