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Hermitages and churches

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Sanet i els Negrals

Església de Santa Anna de Sanet i els Negrals

This church was built between 1851 and 1861, while the expansion that can be seen took place in the 20th century. The bell tower is located on the side of the main façade of the parish church and rises in three levels. The first two levels were constructed between 1859 and 1861, and the third level was added in the 20th century. The lower two levels have a smooth wall finish, and the corners feature exposed stone blocks. They are separated by a moulding, and one side the tower houses the clock face. Inside, there is a staircase that connects the three levels and leads to the bell chamber. Just below the bell chamber, there are sealed windows that correspond to the former bell chamber. The third level has four windows with pointed arches, although one is sealed. The exterior corners are decorated with imitation stone blocks and there are mouldings where the upper part is. The rooftop is enclosed by a balustrade.

The church has the status of a Local Heritage Site. It has a set of three bells, of which only the middle bell is old, dating back to 1836 and dedicated to El Crist de La Salut. The other two bells were cast by the foundry of Manuel Roses Vidal in 1943. The small one is dedicated to La Immaculada and the large one to Santa Anna.

The bells were rung from the base of the tower and swung by hand from the bell chamber. The largest bell struck every hour. It would seem that the chime has not been used since the mid-20th century. At some point during the 1970s or the 1980s, the bell fittings were replaced with new iron ones cast by the foundry of Salvador Manclús, preparing the bells for a potential mechanisation with continuous flight motors that was not installed at that time. After 1994, they were mechanised with impulse and single-phase motors. (1)

(1) Lozano, T. (2021). L'església de Sagra: Ubicació i característiques. LaMarinaAlta.com. https://lamarinaalta.com/iglesia-sagra/

info Sanet i els Negrals

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