Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

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of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall d’Ebo

Església de Sant Miquel

The Church of Sant Miquel in La Vall d'Ebo is of Baroque style and was built in 1623, possibly on the site of a temple that survived the expulsion of the Moors in 1609, which in turn may have been built on the site of the ancient mosque. It houses a beautiful carving of La Mare de Déu dels Desemparats, from the Vergara School. Currently, it is served by the rectors of La Vall de Gallinera who travel weekly to officiate the Masses.

The temple has a simple structure, with a retable façade and a stone base and lintel surrounding the door, where it is possible to read the year of placement of the lintel: 1908. The opening is closed with brass-clad wooden doors adorned with decorative studs indicating the year they were installed: 1816.

Above the door, there is an altarpiece of the patron saint, Sant Miquel, fighting against the devil in order to chain him. Sant Miquel, also known as El Matamoros (“The Moor-killer”), is a recurring saint who, along with other warrior saints such as Sant Jordi or Sant Sebastià, are often found in towns or territories which had a significant Muslim population and where there had been many experiences of tensions and rebellions.

The square bell tower is also very prominent, with four bodies and an upper section, made entirely of stone except for the upper part, which is the result of a later renovation. The third body houses arrow-loops and a clock, while the fourth body contains the four bells arranged in semi-circular arched windows with mouldings on the lintels.

info La Vall d’Ebo

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