Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

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Església de Nostra Senyora de l'Assumpció

The parish church dedicated to Nostra Senyora de L'Assumpció (Our Lady of the Assumption) is located in the square known as Plaça de La Constitució in Dénia, and it dates back to the 18th century. It stands on the site where the hermitage of Sant Roc, the hospital and some houses were located. It suffered significant damage during the Peninsular War, the War of Independence and also during the Spanish Civil War, and was rebuilt in 1939.

It has a Latin cross floor plan inscribed in a rectangle. The exterior is notable for the revered niche above the door of the Roser Chapel, which contains a modern statue of Sant Roc.

Inside the church, the images of the Virgin Mary stand out, including a polychrome image of L'Assumpció, as well as the statues of Sant Vincent Ferrer and Sant Vincent Màrtir, the two patrons of Valencia, on the sides. The frescoes from the late 18th century that can be seen in the dome's pendentive and in the transept are also remarkable, as well as the central dome, covered with blue tiles and resting on an octagonal drum. The church's floor plan features a prominent Latin cross enclosed in a rectangle, and the nave is divided into four sections, covered with a barrel vault with lunettes, as well as lateral chapels topped with circular domes. The wide transept with a half-orange dome is also striking. Among the furniture heritage found in the temple, the 16th-century table with the figure of Sant Vincent Ferrer and the processional cross from the mid-17th century stand out.(1)

(1) Dénia Tourism Website. (2022). https://www.denia.net/esglesia-de-lassumpcio

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