Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Ermita de Santa Teresa de Benimarraig

The chapel of Santa Teresa del Xiquet Jesús, or simply chapel of Santa Tereseta, is found on the N-332 road in the direction of Calpe as it passes through Benimarraig. It can be seen on the right-hand side of the road coming from Benissa, about three kilometers south of the town.

It is a rectangular building with the hermit's dwelling, which is lower and wider, attached to the sanctuary. Both roofs are tiled and double-sloping. The entrance is on the side and consists of a wooden door with semicircular wooden leaves. 

Parallel to and attached to the right wall, there is a porch with an arcade similar to a “riurau”.

On the outside, the false facade is noteworthy, rising perpendicular to the nave like a bell tower with a semicircular opening topped by a belfry.

The interior is simple and whitewashed, with a gabled roof and exposed wooden beams. The nave is divided into three bays by two pointed arches, the third of which corresponds to the presbytery raised on a platform. On the wall behind the altar, a glazed niche holds the image of Santa Teresa. Plants, flowers and other objects of worship complete the decoration.

info Benissa

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