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Hermitages and churches

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Ermita de sant Pere Apòstol de la Pedrera

The Chapel of Sant Pere Apòstol in La Pedrera occupies a significant portion of the Mossén Espasa square, located between Carrer de Bona Vista and Carrer Major Pedrera. The construction date is unknown, but it was renovated in the year 1967.

The chapel is a rectangular building preceded by a lower atrium. Towards the apse, on the right side, the small structure of the sacristy rises with a single-sloped roof, while the chapel and atrium are covered with a double-pitched roof. The porch features wide entrances with lowered arches on each of its sides.

On the facade, there is a panel of tiles displaying the name of the chapel beneath a large forged lantern. The bell gable with its single bell crowns the facade.

The entrance door is a double-leaf wooden lintel door. The interior space is elongated and narrow with a flat ceiling and tiled floor. A single window on the right side allows light to enter the chapel. In the sanctuary, with access to the sacristy, a large cross can be seen, and on either side there are pedestals that hold the images of Sant Pere and Sant Josep amb El Xiquet.

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