Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

Sanet i els Negrals

Ermita de Sant Antoni de Pàdua

The chapel dedicated to Sant Antoni de Pàdua is part of the Montesano residential area, situated in a privileged location with splendid views. The villas that make up this recently developed residential complex extend along the slope of the mountain immediately north of the urban centre of Sanet i Els Negrals.

Constructed with contributions from the local residents to provide religious service, a plaque on the façade informs us of its origin: “El dia 26 d'octubre de 2003 va ser beneïda aquesta ermita gràcies a l'esforç de moltes persones, però molt especialment, d'en Miquel Llompart Peris” ["On October 26th, 2003, this hermitage was blessed thanks to the efforts of many people, but especially Mr. Miquel Llompart Peris"]. Its state of preservation is excellent due to continuous maintenance.

The chapel is a standalone building, although very close to several villas that make up the residential complex, resembling them in its modern architectural style. A stone staircase at the entrance overcomes the steep terrain on which it is situated. It has a rectangular floor plan and a three-sloped tiled roof with a gable over the rounded apse. Above it rises a square bell tower with a pyramidal roof and a finial that gives it a characteristic appearance. Also, on the right side, three successive semi-circular structures correspond to the interior chapels. Irregular stone slabs surround its entire perimeter, only broken as a line at the entrance door, which is made of metal and glass under a semi-circular arch. Covering the entire width of the gable, four identical windows of the same style stand side by side. The façade is decorated with a large ceramic panel featuring the image of the patron saint.

The interior is whitewashed and wooden benches are arranged on the terrazzo floor. Two steps raise the altar, behind which, in the apse, a large niche houses the modern image of Sant Antoni de Pàdua. On either side, there are twin doors that lead to the sacristy. Other religious objects complete the decoration, among which stands out an image of La Mare de Déu del Sufragi, the patron saint of Benidorm, donated by a merchant from that town.

info Sanet i els Negrals

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